Help With Inventions

Do you have a great idea for an invention but aren’t sure how to get it into the market? You’re not alone. Only around one percent of patents filed become products for consumers to buy because many inventors struggle with the concept, design, marketing, and sales processes. Concept TM is here to help. Our professional team offers help with inventions throughout the entire process.

Inventor Help You Can Really Rely On

The first step of any invention is establishing your idea. Once you have that, you need to figure out intellectual property and the patent so that your idea is protected. We start there, and we will help you with all of the legal paperwork.

After that is the industrial design phase, where we help you create a working prototype for your invention. We’ll work with you to ensure you can create the idea in your head.

Once you have a prototype, you’ll be ready to create a business strategy. We will guide you to identify, assess, and take advantage of business opportunities. From there, our team will help you build business credit so that you can finance your invention.

Finally, we will help you create a brand, develop sales and distribution channels, and market your new invention to your target audience.

And to top everything off, Concept TM won’t charge you anything until your product is either licensed or sold in the market. Our entire goal is helping you succeed in bringing your invention to life.

Intellectual Property and Industrial Design

We help inventors with every aspect of the Intellectual Property/patient process

Industrial Design - the process of taking your idea and creating a working prototype

Business Review

Identify and assess a new business opportunities.

We assistance our partners as they create and implementation a new business strategy


Develop brand positioning to attract customers and separate your product or service from competitors

Business Credit

Help new companies build business credit and acquire business financing


Sales, distribution and channel management strategies for a new product or service​


Develop and implement a marketing strategies that will impact traditional, social and digital mediums of influence

Experience You Can Trust

Concept TM has been in business since 1978. That means we have over 40 years of experience, and we have already helped many inventors bring their inventions to market. If you have an invention that you’re passionate about, we want to work with you. Let us help you from idea to market. Contact our team today to get started.